Did You Know This About Your Marketing?

Everything you have ever learned… everything you have ever been taught… and everything you have ever been told about marketing is WRONG!

Please consider this! Next time you’re online, I want you to search out and compare a few websites.

Compare 2 or more moving company websites, or perhaps fencing contractors, or attorneys, or accountants or any other professional or service-based business.


This explains why so many businesses compete on price.

Think about it, when you go to buy something, don’t you always want the best deal?

Well, when businesses look and say the exact same things, isn’t price the ONLY way to determine who is offering the best deal?

The following statement is often shocking to business owners, but price is NOT what customers shop for!

They’re shopping for VALUE. Customers will pay twice the price if they believe they’ll receive four times the value.

Prove this to yourself… do you buy all of your clothes at Walmart? Do you drive the cheapest car on the market? If not, why not?

Value trumps price every time, but when all businesses look identical to each other, the ONLY value proposition left to the customer is the business offering the lowest price.

So let me prove to you right now that everything you have ever learned… everything you have ever been taught… and everything you have ever been told about marketing is WRONG!

Here’s a video I created for you. Trust me when I tell you this may be the most important video you will ever watch as a business owner.

Click here to watch.

It’s a little long… 73 minutes, but I promise you it will be the BEST 73 minutes you will ever invest as a business owner!

I hope you enjoy it, and next week… I’ll help you begin to market your business the right way, and watch what happens to your leads and sales once you do.

Click here to watch.

Talk to you then.