Small business owners are facing new challenges during this crisis. Communicating with customers requires more focus and depth than ever before. In Mat Zuker’s latest article for Forbes Magazine, he cites Jay Mandel who runs The Collective NYC, a marketing consulting team focusing on a customer’s experience, who underlines the importance of businesses to understand… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Marketing
Do You Know How To “Innovate” Your Business So You Dominate Your Competition?
Do You Know How To “Innovate” Your Business So You Dominate Your Competition? Your spouse has decided to return to the workforce, so you must find a daycare center for your kids. All of them offer the same basic services and charge around the same price… except one. That “one” is 25% higher in price,… Read more »
Does Your Marketing Grab Your Prospects Attention?
Does Your Marketing Grab Your Prospects Attention? Do your marketing messages compel your prospects to buy what you sell? Do they tap into their basic emotions? Are you aware that prospects buy on emotion and justify their purchase with logic? What you need to know… Your marketing must convince your prospects that you offer “extraordinary… Read more »
How Can You Build A Million Dollar Business?
How would you like your business to generate a minimum of $1 million dollars per year? OK… so how do you plan to accomplish this goal? Here are the startling facts you MUST know… Less than 3% of small business owners make more than $100,000 annually and less than one half of 1% ever reach… Read more »
Does Your Business Need More Profits?
Would it shock you to know there are a multitude of strategies that could easily double or triple your business’s profits? For example, how often do you leverage off of your relationships with your current customers? Most business owner’s count their blessings that they sold them once and never consider going back and asking them… Read more »
Do you have a compelling message?
Do You Have A Message So Compelling It Practically Forces Your Prospects To Buy? You’re at the store waiting in line and you strike up a conversation with the person next to you. They ask you “what do you do?” Most people respond by saying: I’m an attorney, I’m a consultant or I’m a jeweler…. Read more »
Is Your Business Charging Optimal Prices?
Want to know the closely guarded secret when it comes to price? The buyer decides if the price you charge is acceptable by determining the benefits they’ll receive. Follow this to the letter and you can quickly and easily dominate your market. In fact, you’ll not only dominate, but you can charge double what your… Read more »
Does Your Business Need More Conversions?
How would you like to sell more of your products or services… without increasing your traffic? If that’s your goal, then you need to improve your conversion rate. Business owners are always looking for the magic formula that can optimize the performance of their lead generation efforts. Unfortunately, there is NO magic bullet… just a… Read more »
Do You Know How Your Client’s Make The Decision To Buy What You Sell?
Do You Know How Your Client’s Make The Decision To Buy What You Sell? Have you ever given any thought as to how your clients make that all important decision as to whether or not they will buy your product or service? What is it EXACTLY that triggers their buy / don’t buy button? Is… Read more »
Does Your Business Need More Leads?
The most expensive and difficult function of any business is acquiring new customers. The reason it’s difficult has nothing to do with you, your business, or your marketing. It has to do with the growth of the Internet and the tremendous number of scams and charlatans that lurk online offering every bogus product and service… Read more »
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